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Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience

Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience

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Bernstein Conference 2024

Bernstein Conference 2024

Bernstein Conference

Bernstein Conference

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Brains for Brains Young Researcher Award

Brains for Brains Young Researcher Award





The Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience connects experimental and theoretical scientists. It comprises more than 200 research groups and 450 individual scientists from all over the world who combine experimental neuroscientific approaches with theoretical models and computer simulations.

The Bernstein Network was launched in 2004 through a major funding initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) which aimed at advancing the transfer of theoretical knowledge to clinical and technical applications. The network is named after the German physiologist and biophysicist Julius Bernstein (1839-1917).


Jülich March 14, 2024

EBRAINS Germany established

EBRAINS Germany, the German National Node of the EBRAINS digital research infrastructure for neuroscience, has been formally established with the signing of a cooperation agreement between the participating institutions: Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ, Node Lead), Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Heidelberg University, Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, and Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience.

Göttingen April 3, 2024

Young Scientist Award für Viola Priesemann

During this year's spring conference of the German Physical Society (DPG), Viola Priesemann received the Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics. The physicist conducts research at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS) and the University of Göttingen. The prize is endowed with 7,500 euros and honors her work on propagation processes in complex systems.

Mainz February 27, 2024

Nerve cells in the visual system of flies are surprisingly heterogeneously connected

Analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster connectome as part of the FlyWire consortium provides new insights into the organization of the visual system

Magdeburg February 20, 2024

More brain than trait: Decoding the neural pathways of curiosity

The fascination for the unknown drives progress. Thanks to it, organisms are able to survive in a constantly changing environment. Curiosity therefore essentially shapes human development. But what is behind it? Researchers hypothesize that curiosity is not so much a fixed character attribute, but rather a complex interplay between different regions of the brain. Dr. Petra Mocellin and the research team led by Prof. Dr. Stefan Remy at the Leibniz Institute of Neurobiology (LIN) have decoded a neuronal circuit in the brain that regulates curiosity for the first time. The results were recently published in the renowned scientific journal Neuron.


Bernstein Conference

Bernstein Conference 2024

Abstract Submission

Travel Grants


African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Neurosciences

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) invites interested researchers from all African countries and Germany to engage in a scientific exchange in the field of neurosciences.

This initiative covers all research questions that are primarily concerned with neurosciences. Subject areas include basic, applied and clinical topics. Research questions concerning neglected tropical infectious diseases in humans and animals as well as their social and behavioural aspects are excluded from the initiative and will not be considered to be within the scope of the call.

The aim of the initiative is for participating researchers to identify joint interests in the area of neurosciences and initiate new collaborative ventures.

Deadline: 29.02.2024

Förderung von Projekten in der Forschungs- und Innovationszusammenarbeit mit den Ländern der Östlichen Partnerschaft und Zentralasiens

Ziel des Förderaufrufs ist es, die Forschungspartner:innen aus den Ländern der Östlichen Partnerschaft über gemeinsame Forschungs- und Innovationsprojekte in den europäischen Forschungsraum (ERA) besser einzubinden. Damit soll ein Beitrag dazu geleistet werden, einen gemeinsamen Wissens- und Innovationsraum zwischen der EU und den offiziellen und potenziellen Beitrittskandidat:innen sowie weiteren Ländern der Östlichen Partnerschaft zu schaffen. Dieses Ziel kann durch die Vernetzung und Kooperation mit erfahrenen und innovationsstarken Partnereinrichtungen unterstützt werden.

Deadline: 13.03.2024

Change! Fellowships and Research Groups

Wir brauchen Veränderungen in unserer Gesellschaft und in den bestehenden Strukturen, um die Vielzahl der Krisen zu bewältigen, mit denen wir heute konfrontiert sind. Von der Wissenschaft wird erwartet, dass sie planetare Grenzen und Vulnerabilitäten aufdeckt, faktenbasierte Handlungsoptionen erforscht und zu Lösungen beiträgt. Daher sucht die VolkswagenStiftung Persönlichkeiten aus der Wissenschaft, die gemeinsam mit außerwissenschaftlichen Stakeholdern zu Transformationsprozessen forschen und diese anschieben möchten.

Deadline: 28.03.2024